Protork Motor Oil & Lubricants



This has been formulated with combination of high-quality synthetic base oils with high-quality additives. 

It delivers a unique protection and fuel economy under all driving conditions. It preserves its liquid form even in low temperatures, helps keeping the engine clean by reducing the sludges and soots, protects the vehicle when starting the engine and extends the service life. 

Approval and Specifications: 

API: SL/CF, ACEA A3-99,B3-98 ISSUE 2, Daimler/Chrysler 229.1, Volkswagen 500.00/505.00 (1/97)

Physical and Chemical Properties Typical Values
Density @ 15 ° C 0,850
Kinematic Viscosity 100 ° C , cSt 9,3-12,5
Viscosity Index 170
Flash Point ° C 240
Pour Point ° C -40

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